
Welcome to Claremont Senior Center

Claremont Senior Center is open to Center activities and events weekdays 9 AM to 3 PM,

and Tuesday and Thursday evenings 6 to 9 PM.

Shoot some pool, help with the jigsaw puzzle, play cards,
browse the Library.

Membership is ONLY $20 for a year. Try a month for free!

Our Meals program is a drive thru or dine in Tuesdays and Thursdays,
Great meals for a cheap price.
Only $5 for members, $6 for non-members

Drive thru Pickup  12:00 or Eat In -11:45 to 12:15.

Reservations required for a meal. Call-in to our Meals phone, (603)678-0433. Or call our reception desk at (603) 543-5998. See our Cafe page for a menu!

Rentals, Miracle Ear, Blood Drive and VNA Foot Clinic are continuing at the Center.

Center hours are Monday through Friday 9 AM to 3 PM, Tuesday and Thursday evenings 6 to 9 PM.

Fundraiser Bingo Coming to

Claremont Senior Center

Nite time Bingo will be held at the center as a fundraiser. Plans are for monthly events on the first Friday of the month. A variety of games will be played through the evening with a guaranteed prize for some and a winner take all as well, ten regular games, 2-2 part games, 3 specials, and winner take all. Open to the public, must be 18 years of age to play. Funds will be used to cover operating expenses and activities at the center.  Pull tickets will also be sold at the events. Doors open at 5 pm, games start at 6:30 pm. Concessions are available through intermission. Bring family and friends for an evening of fun. Call Cheryl at 603-543-5998 if you have questions.


What’s Happening at the Senior Center


Before COVID, remember the joy of social get together with dancing, music, and social interaction? Well, we have an opportunity to do that at the center thanks to Betsey Child. Dancing would be ballroom style, and music to the tastes of the participants Dancing is once a month; 6:30 to 9:30, with a cost of only $5 Per person, $10 per couple  See the Senior Center Newsletter for the date. Sign up at the Center by calling (603)543-5998, or sign up at the desk by February 24. For more information, call Betsey Child at  (603)504-6671.

Tai Chi at the Center

For more information, call the center, classes will start in April.

MIRACLE EAR is open.

VNA Foot Clinic is Open. Call VNA (603) 748-1731 to make an appointment.

Our library is open to members for books and puzzles. Book and puzzles exchange and donations are welcome!


HELP WANTED —                       KITCHEN MANAGER

Volunteer position to manage modern, efficient kitchen with a motivated and capable crew. Tasks negotiable with Board. Appreciative customers. If interested, contact the center.

seniorctr5@comcast.net                                603-543-5998

If you know some one who might take over the kitchen duties, ask them to come talk to us. The position is a volunteer no-pay job, but is very rewarding!